Ukrainian peasant clothing avaThese photos were made in the early 1910s in central Ukraine (Poltava region) by the photographer Anatoliy Pavlovych who was tortured and murdered in a Soviet NKVD special camp in the 1930s. His photo equipment was among the most high-tech and high-quality in Ukraine at the time. And he wanted to preserve the real look of Ukrainian traditional clothing until people still used these outfits daily. Some of the garments you see in his photos can be found nowhere else – even in museums and other old pictures. So, enjoy these historical photographs.

Two married young women in their festive traditional clothing. They’re wearing necklaces with large silver coins called “dukach”

high-quality 1910s photos of Ukrainian peasant clothing
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Wedding party in Poltava region, the 1910s. It’s a winter wedding, as you see, so everyone’s dressed in different styles of outerwear. Most of the male coats are white woolen coats. Only the groom wears a dark outer garment. The bride has a wedding wreath on her head. Funny thing is, only the bride and groom are smiling, the rest of the guests are pretty gloomy

high-quality 1910s photos of Ukrainian peasant clothing
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Elderly woman spinning in her yard. She uses old combing and spinning tools. She is dressed in rather old and worn clothes. And in the background, we see a barn built in the traditional technique. The photo was made in 1913

high-quality 1910s photos of Ukrainian peasant clothing
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Two young married women in folk outfits. Their kerchiefs indicate the marital status. Note that the kerchiefs are tied differently (there are actually dozens of various ways to tie the traditional Ukrainian kerchief)

high-quality 1910s photos of Ukrainian peasant clothing
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Wedding matchmakers dressed according to their position. The headdress on one of them is unique and curious – a thin woolen pointed hat with a cross applique (or something like that) worn on top of a sheepskin hat

high-quality 1910s photos of Ukrainian peasant clothing
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Middle-aged couple wearing Ukrainian traditional apparel. They’re standing near their house and you can see how dwellings were isolated from the cold in the past. The photo was taken in 1913

high-quality 1910s photos of Ukrainian peasant clothing
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Married woman in festive folk clothes. She’s wearing an embroidered shirt, a matching skirt and bodice called “kersetka” (BTW, this is rare, usually village ladies used skirts and vests made from different materials)

high-quality 1910s photos of Ukrainian peasant clothing



Ukrainian young lady in lovely embroidered shirt typical for central Ukraine. Her bodice is trimmed with dark (it could be black or dark blue) velvet – another typical feature

high-quality 1910s photos of Ukrainian peasant clothing
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Another woman in folk attire. Her bodice has a polka dot pattern, her shirt is adorned with interesting needlework designs (these symbols are unique, never seen similar patterns on other embroidered shirts). Also, this lady has many rows of necklaces on her neck, which was a common thing – the wealthier a woman was and the more significant the occasion, the more rows of necklaces she used. The photo was made in 1913

high-quality 1910s photos of Ukrainian peasant clothing
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Woman working in the field. The most interesting thing in this photo is the purse attached to the woman’s waist. It was a typical accessory for Poltava region of Ukraine and was called “karman” (lit. “pocket”). People’s clothes rarely had pockets, so they used purses and pouches instead. This lady uses a wooden rake that is longer than her own height. The photo was taken in 1913

high-quality 1910s photos of Ukrainian peasant clothing
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